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Random Thought's Civilization 2!
Did you ever hear of the Civilization games? If not, they are a strategy game based on the evolution of the world. You pick a race of people to be, then you found land and build cities. There are other people that you are competing against (controlled by the computer). You can make treaties, trade technology and knowledge, and even go to war! This is where I keep tabs on how my current game is going!

Currently I'm in the year 1945 A.D. There are three (generated from two) other civilizations I am competing against... The Egyptians, the Sioux, and the Carthaginians. Some people from the Carthaginians separated and formed the Egyptians. Right now I am at war with all three of them, but my army kicks ass!
I didn't want to go to war with the Sioux... it just happened..
Well you see.. I had a peace treaty with the Sioux.. I came across one of their boats in the ocean.. The computer asked me if I wanted to attack him and break the treaty, or move on.. I accidentally clicked to fight... CRAP! Well.. it turns out that their Army is still weaker than mine.. they aren't giving me too much trouble.. But I gotta have eyes in the back of my head with these guys.. I'm hoping that they want to re-sign the peace treaty.. Then after I completely wipe out the Egyptians and the Carthaginians, then I'll turn on them! (Insert evil laugh)
Alright.. here's the scoop.. The Carthaginians have a horrible army! They can't even hold a match to my tanks, marines, and bombers! (That only names a few). They won't be too much trouble...

The Egyptians are pissing me off... You see.. I took over the Carthaginian's capital.. After I did that, part of the Carthaginian's population ran off and formed the Egyptians.. the good think is that their army is even weaker than the Carth's! HOOPLAH!
2 Continents!? Hooplah!
Well.. right now I have complete control over two continents.. One is huge.. really huge.. the other one is small.. but hell, at least I have total control!