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Okay.. You should know by now that I am a wrestling fan. Well.. on Thrusday, May 01, 2003, Smackdown was on UPN9 at 8:00 pm.. At 9:00, the president came on to give his speech.. And of course UPN9 put it on as well! IT WAS ON 18 OTHER CHANNELS DAMN IT! IT WAS EVEN ON TWO SPANISH CHANNELS IF YOU ARE THAT DAMN DESPERATE TO SEE OUR STUPID ASS PRESIDENT GIVE A STUPID ASS SPEECH!


Anyway.. which brings me to my point... The ideal president would have to be Fanzi.. you know.. From Happy Days! He could convince anyone to do anything! We wouldn't even be at war! But if we were, his addresses would be like this...

"Our president will now address the nation about operation Iraqi Freedom"
(Fanzi gets up) "............EYYYYYYYY!"

I want to know who your ideal president is! E-mail it to me at Naggi_@hotmail.com

  Need More Recentness? Alright.. so maybe it isn't a word.. but is it true? I was talking to someone whose name shall be withheld....

I was asked to make my site "more recent."

How? I don't know.. by writing this maybe.. Maybe I spoiled my readers by updating daily in the beginning... or maybe I'm just so damn... what's the word?... Lazy.. yeah that's it.. I'm lazy.. and I'm doing other things.. that's right. I have a life. It's really hectic right now.. and if you knew what was going on, you wouldn't blame me for not updating...

So now I've struck your curiosity eh? You want to dig deeper in to my psyche and find out what the hell could possibly be going on in my life? Well.. too bad.. You people don't deserve to know. No one has been contributing.. I even had to cancel the whole Reality TV Show contest because I only got one entry!

I've tried to make this site as "funky-fresh" as I can.. I even renamed Captions For Pictures to Capz Fer Pix! WHAT ELSE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT!?

.....But all-in-all I'm oldschool, and I don't think you people are capable of comprehending that.. Do you people understand the dedication it takes to wake up at the crack of noon every weekend?! Alright.. yeah.. but what about my weekdays? I get up every day at 5:51 ..you know.. A.M...

Not so tough now are you?! Yeah.. that's what I thought...

Bush.. In all of his glory...